(198f) Solidsim – Teaching the Complexity of Solid Processes | AIChE

(198f) Solidsim – Teaching the Complexity of Solid Processes


Hartge, E. - Presenter, Techn. University Hamburg-Harburg
Pogodda, M. - Presenter, Techn. University Hamburg-Harburg
Reimers, C. - Presenter, Techn. University Hamburg-Harburg
Schwier, D. - Presenter, Techn. University Hamburg-Harburg
Gruhn, G. - Presenter, Techn. University Hamburg-Harburg
Werther, J. - Presenter, Hamburg University of Technology

Most solids processes consist of several apparatuses which are
interconnected by the through flowing solids or fluid/solids stream.
Often this is not only a sequential interconnection but in addition
there exist some recycles. One very simple example for such a process
is a sieve-crusher cycle, in which the product of the crusher is
classified and the coarse material is recycled to the crusher. In
particle technology education the different apparatuses are commonly
treated individually, neglecting the complex interaction.

Another simplification which is usually made in education, is
to deal
always only with one particle attribute at a time: for example when
designing a classifier it is assumed, that homogenous solids are
classified, i.e. all particles have the same density, while in reality
often mixtures with a distribution of the densities will be treated.

In the current presentation a specialized educational version
of the
flowsheet simulation SolidSim will be presented, that allows to
demonstrate the complex interrelations of the different processing
steps and of the multi-dimensional particle attributes. It easily
simulates solids processes consisting of several different processing
steps and including recycles. Also it allows for a complete
characterisation of mixtures of particles with different particle size
distributions and densities. Also the definition and correct treatment
of attributes depending on other attributes, e.g. a moisture depending
on the particles size is supported.

The potential of this version of SolidSim for teaching
purposes is
demonstrated by two examples, a sieve-classifier cycle and a process
for the treatment of contaminated soils with a particle-size dependent


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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