(220b) Newer Techniques to Control Fouling in Crude Pre-Heat Exchangers | AIChE

(220b) Newer Techniques to Control Fouling in Crude Pre-Heat Exchangers


Perumangode, R. - Presenter, Dorf Ketal Chemicals LLC,
Subramaniyam, M. - Presenter, Dorf Ketal Chemicals (I) Pvt. Ltd.

Crude Unit pre-heat exchanger fouling is not a new pheonmenon. There have been several efforts which have been used globally to improve pre-heat performance and to reduce incremental energy costs resulting due to the affect of fouling in these heat exchangers. While newer technologies are improving the energy recovery in these units, fouling continues to remain as a primary cause for losses in this section of the plant. While chemical programs have always been prescribed for such applications, use of chemicals have been limited in this area. This paper will focus on some of the newer techniques in choosing a fouling control program for these exchangers. It is also intended to discuss some of monitoring techniques which can be used for the purpose of proactively mitigating fouling rates.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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