(221f) Analysis of a Novel Process with Integrated Co2 Capture Using Coal and Thermal Energy from a High-Temperature Nuclear Reactor for the Production of Hydrogen and Electric Power
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2006 Spring Meeting & 2nd Global Congress on Process Safety
Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier: High Volume Production Issues II
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 - 3:50pm to 4:12pm
A novel energy process generating hydrogen and electric power with very high efficiency and integrated CO2 capture has been developed. Thermal energy from a high-temperature (about 900°C) nuclear reactor (HTNR) and a solid carbonaceous fuel (coal) are used as input energy to the process. The process is a true "zero emission process" because (a) no NOX is formed during the coal combustion with sulfuric acid, and (b) the combustion products SO2 and CO2 are removed separately as compressed liquids from the overall process. A detailed description of the process is presented. The thermodynamic modeling of the process was carried out using the commercial process simulator Aspen Plus. Hydrogen and electric energy are generated by the process with an overall efficiency that is significantly higher than the efficiencies of competing processes generating either one of the products using solid fuels or heat from a HTNR. In addition to the results of the thermodynamic analysis, a brief overview of the economic feasibility of the process will be given including estimates for the product costs. To understand the cost-formation process in the system, an exergoeconomic analysis has been carried out. The main results are also discussed.
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