(249a) Recent Development of Powder Technology in Japan | AIChE

(249a) Recent Development of Powder Technology in Japan


Masuda, H. - Presenter, Kyoto University

We have two special societies to develop the powder technology - The Society of Powder Technology, Japan (SPT) and the Association of Powder Process Industry and Engineering, Japan (APPIE). SPT has 12 research groups for members to study and discuss their mutual interests such as Particle Design, Particle Size Measurement, Computational Powder Mechanics, High Temperature Dust Collection, Scale-up of Fluidized Bed for Adhesive Powder, Control of Powder Structure, Fundamental Phenomena of Powder, Physical and Chemical Phenomena in Powder Processing. These are mainly fundamental and academic researches. On the other hand, APPIE has 19 technical groups such as Bulk Handling, Comminution, Classification, Crystallization, Drying (unit operations), Measurement and Control,, Particulate Modification Technology (fundamentals), Battery Manufacturing Technology, Recycling and Reclamation, Electrophotographic Technology, Food Process Technology, Fine Powder Nano-technology (Topics). Each group holds meetings every year; which include lectures, technical debates, and inspection tours to factories and research facilities. These two societies are in good cooperation and stimulate fundamentals and applications of powder technology. Technological results obtained are opened in the Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan and Powder Science and Engineering (Japanese). Recent development of powder technology in these societies are reviewed and presented our policy.


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