(251d) Filtration Characteristics of Insoluble and Soluble Colloids | AIChE

(251d) Filtration Characteristics of Insoluble and Soluble Colloids


Nabi, R. - Presenter, University of Leeds
Biggs, S. - Presenter, Institute of Particle Science and Engineering
Poole, C. - Presenter, University of Leeds
Hebditch, D. - Presenter, British Nuclear Group,
Baker, G. - Presenter, Project Services Limited,
Clark, W. - Presenter, Project Services Limited,

Specific cake resistance using unstirred ?dead-end? constant pressure filtration on an insoluble (titanium dioxide) and a soluble (magnesium hydroxide) colloid have been determined, as a function of pH. The specific cake resistance was correlated across a range of pH conditions with electroacoustic zeta potential measurements. The shear yield stress was also measured as a function of pH for both materials and correlated with the specific cake resistance. These results show that the analytical approach taken for an insoluble colloid is also applicable to a soluble colloid, but over the narrow pH range where the colloid remains insoluble.


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