(52b) How to Make Problem Customers an Asset? Process Safety Challenges When Working with Diverse Customers | AIChE

(52b) How to Make Problem Customers an Asset? Process Safety Challenges When Working with Diverse Customers


Railton, H. - Presenter, Air Products & Chemicals
Hurst, D. - Presenter, Air Products & Chemicals

For companies working with wider geographic and culturally diverse clients, it is becoming increasingly difficult to adapt their work processes, procedures and approach in an effective way to the changing challenges. Client's come in all shapes and sizes and with very different levels of experience and attitude. How should a company planning to work in this potential minefield set about it? What are the issues that need to be thought through and when does this need to be done? How much of this is something that develops during the project and how much is set in stone once the contract is signed? What role do the Business and Project Development areas play in getting to a satisfactory Process Safety approach?

The challenges may be in design collaboration with a client or in sharing the responsibilities in starting up a process or working in existing operating facilities. Without setting off with a clear understanding of the issues and pitfalls and without a contract structure and project execution strategy that will support your chosen approach, both Client and Contractor may be doomed to a project which fails to achieve the best outcome. This paper sets out principals and good practice in dealing with EHS and Process safety issues from the initial enquiry through to handover. It will discuss the issues to do with identifying and understanding where the client's experience and approach may lie and how the various interactions may be managed to best effect to deliver a world class level of safety and execution.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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