(55e) Removal of Calcium and Other Metal Species Form Crude Oil in the Desalting Process, Part 2 | AIChE

(55e) Removal of Calcium and Other Metal Species Form Crude Oil in the Desalting Process, Part 2


Kremer, III, L. - Presenter, Baker Petrolite
Nguyen, J. - Presenter, Baker Petrolite
Weers, J. - Presenter, Baker Petrolite

Some crude oils from West Africa, the North Sea, China and other locations have sufficiently high levels of calcium naphthenate to cause product quality and operational concerns at some refineries. Use of specialized chemistry converts calcium into a water soluble species that can be removed in the desalter. Several successful field applications will be discussed. There are some limitations to metals removal applications that need be considered before beginning an application in the refinery.


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