(57e) Factors That Affect the Quality of the Essential Lemon Oil (Citrus Aurantifolia) during the Distillation | AIChE

(57e) Factors That Affect the Quality of the Essential Lemon Oil (Citrus Aurantifolia) during the Distillation


Cabral, G. F. S. L. T. E. B. - Presenter, State University of Campinas

The essential oil of key lime (Citrus aurantifolia) was obtained by steam distillation at normal conditions (1.0 bar/25ºC) with steam at 110ºC, during 10h. The GC analysis identified about 10 principle substances, being limonene, p-cymene, myrcene and b-bisabolene the most significative compounds. Aldehyde content increased significantly during distillation time. After 10h of process, oil has presented more than 3% of aldehydes content due to oxidative reactions.


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