(59a) Performance-Based Management Implementation in South Carolina | AIChE

(59a) Performance-Based Management Implementation in South Carolina


Madabhushi, S. - Presenter, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
Coleman, K. - Presenter, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
Scaturo, D. - Presenter, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control

Performance-based Management (PBM) - a strategic, goal-oriented uncertainty management methodology that is implemented through effective planning and timely decision-logic that focuses on the desired end results ? has been used in various forms within the Bureau of Land and Waste Management programs.

In the Underground Storage Tank program, PBM in the form of pay-per-performance (PPP) has been successfully applied for over eight years. As the number of sites with PPPs increased, the average cleanup cost has been reduced to about half of the original time and materials costs and the time to completion has also reduced considerably. Upfront fixed-price cost commitments has been beneficial in realistic budget estimates and planning. Simplified payment structure based on meeting certain intermediate goals has made payments to the contractors timely and efficient.

In the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) program of the Bureau of Land and Waste Management of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, cleanup at a few contaminated DoD sites have been managed through performance-based contracts (PBCs). At these sites a general progress towards more efficient and faster cleanups is being accomplished as a result of PBCs. In the case of Charleston Naval Complex, there were about 170 sites with a variety of contaminants in soil and groundwater. Successful implementation of PBC has helped in putting corrective measures in place for most of these sites and transferring all the property to private ownership. Regulatory involvement and cooperation were main elements of this success as a large number of documents were reviewed in a relatively short period of time and prompt decisions were made in an expedited manner. More PBCs are currently being successfully implemented at Ft. Jackson, Charleston Air Force Base and Shaw Air Force Base.


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