Fluid-Particle Interactions and Inter-Particle Forces in Fine Particle Systems I | AIChE

Fluid-Particle Interactions and Inter-Particle Forces in Fine Particle Systems I


Sundaresan, S., Princeton University


Van der Hoef, M. A., University of Twente

We solicit experimental and theoretical contributions advancing our understanding of fluid-particle and particle-particle interactions. The former includes the fluid-particle drag, the generation and dissipation of fluctuation energy in particle phase by the fluid and the effect of particles on fluid-turbulence, and the effects of particle size distribution on these are of particular interest. The particle-particle interactions include drag due to relative motion between different types of particles in a mixture and cohesive interactions between particles. Papers describing experiments, simulations and theory designed to isolate and study these interactions and expose their consequences on flow and other transport characteristics will fit neatly in this session.



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