Loss Prevention: Past, Present, and Future | AIChE

Loss Prevention: Past, Present, and Future


Clark, D. G., E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.


Frank, W. L., ABS Consulting

An invited paper will introduce the session by highlighting the 40-year history of the Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) and by addressing how this forum has remained on the forefront of ever-changing process safety and loss prevention technologies and practices. Papers defining the "State-of-the-Art" and illuminating where this "Art" must go in the future are invited. In addition to emphasizing life-safety issues, the LPS emphasizes the business importance of accident prevention. Papers are encouraged that discuss the long-term consequences of industrial accidents, with special emphasis on continued corporate viability and financial health, on corporate loss prevention programs, and on the ever-changing regulatory roadmap.



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