Modeling of Particle Formation Processes - I | AIChE

Modeling of Particle Formation Processes - I


Narayan, P. J., TransForm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


Hounslow, M. J., University of Sheffield

The modelling of particle formation represents a continuing challenge in Particle technology. This necessarily arises because our fundamental understanding – in the form of physics, chemistry or material science – applies at very small length scales (Angstroms to micrometers) while our capacity to make measurements, and to manufacture is best at larger lengths scales (micrometers to metres). Successful modelling must then either rely on very extensive empiricism or find ways to bridge length scales. Formal multi-scale modelling can be a useful approach for investigating these phenomena across a range of scales, specifically to link particle-scale attributes with bulk material properties. Additionally, population balance modelling can be useful in controlling particle-scale attributes in a particle formation process. The need for multidimensional capability in population modelling is highlighted by the importance of multiple particle attributes (e.g., size, porosity, mechanical properties, and distributions thereof) in subsequent material forming processing steps. Contributions in all these areas, and others, are invited. Representative processes include, but are not limited to particle granulation/agglomeration, crystallization, and attrition.



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