Outreach Activities in Particle Technology | AIChE

Outreach Activities in Particle Technology


Van Wachem, B., Chalmers University of Technology


Nelson, R. D., Educ. Res. for Particle Technology

Most industrial practitioners have not had formal education in particle technology and rely on a wide variety of modes of continuing education to learn what they need to know about the subject. Our understanding of the how to model and how to control particle behavior is growing rapidly. We seek presentations on how in-house consultants, independent consultants, university educators, continuing education agencies, and vendors are gathering, integrating, and presenting this new knowledge in their education programs. We seek presentations that explore the use of modes of storage, transmission, and interaction of knowledge that have recently been developed or have recently become sufficiently inexpensive to be used for effective technical presentations and meaningful laboratory experiences through CDROMS, DVDs, satellite video, the Web, etc.



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