(105e) Hydrocracker Experience in a Gulf Refinery | AIChE

(105e) Hydrocracker Experience in a Gulf Refinery


Rashid, K. - Presenter, Saudi Aramco

Abstract: The paper deals with the challenging but rewarding refining process of hydrocracking. With demand for white oil products (Gasoline & Diesel) increasing all the time and the corresponding decrease in demand of black oil product (Fuel oil), the Refiners are more and more taking the help of processes to convert black oil into white oil products. Hydrocracking comes in the forefront of such processes. This conversion process helps Refiners in improving significantly refining margin since it converts low value products into very high value products. In the process, Refiners are able to keep a favourable balance between white oil products and black oil products to maintain an optimum refinery throughput. The author had the opportunity to be intimately involved in the operation of an unique Hydrocracker in a Gulf Refinery. The paper will deal with the theory, process details and the challenges this high temp. and pressure process pose in handling very difficult to hydrocrack heavy feed. The author's extensive experience in this unique Hydrocracker will highlight the importance of proper catalyst selection. A case study will be presented to show the disastrous effect of wrong catalyst selection.