(43e) CFD-Based Risk Assessment for Hydrogen Applications | AIChE

(43e) CFD-Based Risk Assessment for Hydrogen Applications


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations for gas explosion safety have been widely used for doing risk assessments within the oil and gas industry for more than a decade. Based on predicted consequences of a range of potential accident scenarios a risk level is predicted. The development of applications using hydrogen as a clean energy carrier has accelerated in recent years, and hydrogen may be used widely in future. Due to the very high reactivity of hydrogen, safe handling is critical. For most applications it is not realistic to perform an extensive risk assessment similar to what is done for large petrochemical installations. On the other hand, simplified methods, like venting guidelines, may have a questionable validity for hydrogen. In this paper a 3-step approach is proposed, in which the CFD-tool FLACS is used to estimate the risk. The initial approach will be to carry out a ?worst-case? calculation evaluating the consequences if a full stoichiometric gas cloud is ignited. Mitigation measures can also be considered. As a second step, if potential consequences of the initial approach are not acceptable, the assumptions are refined. More calculations are performed to make the evaluations more realistic and reduce unnecessary conservatism of the chosen worst-case scenarios. Typically a number of dispersion calculations will be performed to generate likely gas clouds, which are subsequently ignited. If estimated consequences are still not acceptable, a more comprehensive study, including ventilation, dispersion and explosion, is performed to evaluate the probability for unacceptable events. Calculation examples will be used to illustrate the different approaches. The proposed method is thus very flexible, and can be tailored to the scenario under consideration.