(60h) Thermodynamic Prediction of the Chain Propagation Probability (á) for the Fischer-Tropsch Reaction | AIChE

(60h) Thermodynamic Prediction of the Chain Propagation Probability (á) for the Fischer-Tropsch Reaction


Hildebrandt, D. - Presenter, University of the Witwatersrand
Glasser, D. - Presenter, University of the Witwatersrand
Masuku, C. M. - Presenter, University of the Kentucky

The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is a surface polymerization reaction. The product distribution of hydrocarbons can be described by the Anderson-Schulz-Flory (ASF) distribution. The ASF model describes the entire product range by a single parameter, á, the probability of the addition of a carbon intermediate to a chain. However, significant deviations are reported in literature. Several models have been proposed to explain the observed two-alpha product distribution but most studies suggest that the reversible olefin termination path is responsible for the two-alpha product distribution. However, most studies ignore the presence of Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE).

This work shows that by considering the effects of VLE the observed deviations from the ASF distribution can be explained. This therefore shows that Fischer-Tropsch reaction is a surface polymerization reaction following a single alpha ASF distribution in the liquid phase. The effect of Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium fully explains the observed two-alpha product distribution for the total hydrocarbon products by assuming single alpha ASF distribution in the liquid phase.

Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch Reaction, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Liquid Phase Modelling, Product Distribution Model, Chain propagation probability (á), ASF.