(64b) Acoustic Modeling and Noise Plans: Implementation on Capital Projects | AIChE

(64b) Acoustic Modeling and Noise Plans: Implementation on Capital Projects


Incorporating Inherently Safer Design concepts regarding noise principles into a capital project can be a challenging task. Developing a noise plan early in the project can guide a project team to cost effective execution and equipment solutions. The purpose of a noise plan for capital projects is to indicate how the project intends to identify noise sources and the strategy for controlling noise at the facility. Many engineers need to screen the acoustic impact of equipment to be installed on new construction and revamp projects. Powerful dedicated software tools exist to support such modeling, but many engineers have neither the access to such tools, nor the expertise to use them effectively. Further, such tools often represent gross overkill for the level of screening analysis required. This paper will present the basics relevant to sound level screening as an introduction to noise. Simple web tools and spreadsheet-based solutions suitable to work at the conceptual through early engineering design levels will be discussed. This paper will provide a guideline for developing a noise plan for a capital project; explore simple quantitative noise modeling tools that can be used to cost effectively screen preliminary designs; and discuss how these screening tools in turn allow for cost effective project execution and design solutions.