(64c) Right Sizing Fire Protection
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2007 Spring Meeting & 3rd Global Congress on Process Safety
2007 Process Plant Safety Symposium
Assuring Safety in the Design and Construction of Process Systems
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - 2:30pm to 3:00pm
How do you know if the level of fire protection at your facility is adequate or when fire preventive measures, such as equipment upgrades, would be more beneficial than installing fixed fire suppression? One approach is to utilize a Cost-Benefit Analysis.
In this paper, the author discusses two recent case histories where the cost-benefit analysis approach was utilized. In one case, this approach was utilized to identify an appropriate balance of fire prevention and suppression measures for a global corporation that processes metal ore using flammable and combustible liquids. In the second case, the cost-benefit approach was utilized to establish a corporate standard on fire suppression for a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) processing company.