(122e) “Yellow Lining” for Re-Commissioning and Start-up | AIChE

(122e) “Yellow Lining” for Re-Commissioning and Start-up


Burroughs, D. - Presenter, Bishop Facility

To prevent exposures to personnel, or releases to the environment, procedures are used to safeguard the status of equipment during upsets, start-ups, or shutdowns.

After a production outage, a unit shut-down, or re-commissioning, we use a process called ?Yellow Lining? of P&IDs to verify all equipment, associated piping, valves, and instrumentation have been returned to ?Normal Operating Status? before the introduction of ?Acute Chemicals? back into major pieces of equipment.

?Yellow Lining? of P&IDs uses verification by two or more individuals to ensure all equipment is back in ?Normal Operating Status?. Discrepancies are noted directly and accountability is provided by placing names, dates, and time on the actual P&ID. Hazard assessments are reviewed with the field operator and supervision, allowing actions to be taken prior to start-up. P&IDs are retained for PHAs and P&ID corrections.

Done correctly with start-up procedures, ?Yellow Lining? will mitigate exposures and releases while keeping P&IDs and unit knowledge up to date.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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