(146a) Hurricane Timeline Tools for Objectively Triggering Action Items in Hurricane Response Plans | AIChE

(146a) Hurricane Timeline Tools for Objectively Triggering Action Items in Hurricane Response Plans


Hebert, C. - Presenter, ImpactWeather, Inc.

A hurricane action plan is vital to maintaining business continuity. A popular type of plan involves a phased approach as a hurricane threat develops. But in order to properly advance from one phase to the next, a set of "trigger points" or thresholds must exist at which time action must be taken to ensure a safe shut-down of operations and/or a repositioning of personnel and equipment to a backup location. One problem which needs to be addressed is that not all hurricanes are created equal. It's vital to know how large a hurricane's wind field is when considering possible evacuations or shut-downs. Larger hurricanes are more likely to produce widespread disruptions offshore. Many onshore and offshore operators need very long lead times to prepare for a potential hurricane, something not provided by public weather sources. New Hurricane Timeline Tools have been developed that address these concerns. A brief review of last year's hurricanes as well as a preview of the 2008 Atlantic Tropical Storm season will also be featured.

? Hurricane Severity Index ? a new way of classifying tropical storm and hurricane damage potential based upon maximum sustained winds and wind field size.

? Hurricane Risk Indicator/Notification ? an early (7-10 days out) heads-up as to the potential of a hurricane impact at your location

? Hurricane Decision Guidance ? a long-range indicator of potential tropical cyclone development and impact at your location

? Worst-Case Scenario ? a "what if?" scenario that lets you know how early your location might experience tropical storm or hurricane force winds should there be a change in the forecast track that brings a storm right at your location


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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