(148n) Effects of Polyethylene Size on Ignition of Electrostatics Discharge | AIChE

(148n) Effects of Polyethylene Size on Ignition of Electrostatics Discharge


Zhao, D. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum - East China
Shuai, L. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum - East China
Lin, Z. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum - East China
Fabo, Y. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum - East China
Yi, L. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum (Huadong)

Minimum ignition energy of coarse polyethylene granule and screened polyethylene dust is tested with a standard dust explosion testing equipment of Hartmann tube. By comparing the minimum ignition energy and different types of electrostatic discharge energy, the effects of polyethylene size on ignition of electrostatics discharge has been investigated. The results show that, the minimum ignition energy of polyethylene has an exponential relationship with maximum particle size while the particle size is less than 2 mm. No types of electrostatics discharge can ignite the coarse polyethylene granule with average diameter above 2 mm. For the polyethylene dust with diameter below 0.5 mm, electrostatics discharge of corona discharge, brush discharge and cone discharge are excluded from the potential ignition source. Sparks and propagation brush discharge are the possible ignition source. Preventing the occurrence of sparks and propagation brush discharge is an effective measure to defend against the dust explosion of polyethylene from an industrial view.


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