(152e) What I Learned as An Investigator with the Csb, Part 2, Effective Investigation | AIChE

(152e) What I Learned as An Investigator with the Csb, Part 2, Effective Investigation


Murphy, J. F. - Presenter, Process Safety Services

After a long career with the Dow Chemical Company and several years in process safety consulting, I had the privilege of working as an investigator with the U. S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. During my five years at the CSB, I led four major investigations and participated in a total of nine investigations. Last year I presented a paper on what I learned about the nature of chemical plant incidents. This year I will discuss what I learned about how to conduct an effective investigation. I will discuss ten important factors for effective investigation and will cite examples from the investigations that I was a part of.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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