(153d) Process Infrastructure Hazards Analysis and Facility Siting | AIChE

(153d) Process Infrastructure Hazards Analysis and Facility Siting


Ferguson, D. J. - Presenter, DuPont Engineering

The process systems for chemical industry operating facilities receive close scrutiny for process safety and consequence analysis concerns because of the potential special hazards that may be inherent in the process operations. Process infrastructure facilities and operations, however, may not receive the same degree of analysis because the hazards associated with these facilities are believed to be better understood, to have lower risk, and are accepted as ?common or normal? hazards. The safety of infrastructure facilities such as natural gas supply lines, inert gas supplies (such as Nitrogen, Argon or Carbon Dioxide), propane tanks, compressed air, and steam generation can benefit from more in-depth consequence analysis in the design and installation of these facilities. This paper presents a proposed methodology for conducting consequence analysis and facility siting activities related to the design and installation of process infrastructure facilities.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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