(29b) Elseware © (Electromagnetic Laboratory Simulation Environment Software): Development of a New Software Package to Simulate Electromagnetic Processes
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2008 Spring Meeting & 4th Global Congress on Process Safety
AIChE / ACS Jointly Co-sponsored Sessions
Industrial Applications of Microwave and Radio Frequency Processing I
Monday, April 7, 2008 - 8:40am to 9:20am
Computer simulations are an important part of microwave process development. A new computer program developed at Y-12 called ELSEWare © not only models the heating process, but allows parametric studies of the equipment, fixtures, cost projections and business cases. It allows processes to be tested and optimized before the first piece of equipment is purchased. It also allows the user to manage a database of publications on microwave processing and call those up at a moments notice. Users can call up dielectric property information for a number of materials, and manage dielectric property data as a function of temperature where this information is available. Multiple users can share the program, whether they are down the hall or half way around the globe. Test results verify that the model is predictive, and anticipated problems before they occurred; corrections were made in the real equipment based on the computer simulation.
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