(31d) Critical Condition Management | AIChE

(31d) Critical Condition Management


Lang, L. - Presenter, Lyondell Chemical Company

Managing a large plant, you have many things on your mind. How can you focus resources and attention on the most important issues? Critical conditon management is addressing the operator's workload and ability to handle plant disturbances and abnormal conditons. The main aspects are alarm management, controller performance monitoring (CPM), operator graphics and operator advisory systems. These ?human reliability? aspects are addressed by Lyondell's Operations and Controls Best Practice team. The focus of this presentation is on the current status, metrics,and implementaton of alarm management and CPM. To emphasize the nature of this continuous improvement process Lyondell has introduced meaningful KPI and efficient support tools for alarm management (Logmate) and controller performance monitoring (Planttriage). These are currently being rolled out to all Lyondell sites. This is an important contribution to ?human reliability? at Lyondell's production sites.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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