(34e) Consider Piping Dynamics with Compressor Revamps | AIChE

(34e) Consider Piping Dynamics with Compressor Revamps


Atkins, K. - Presenter, Engineering Dynamics, Inc.

When centrifugal compressors in ethylene plants are rerated, changes to impellers and diffusers can cause the predominant vibration excitation frequencies to change. Problems can be caused by acoustical resonances, mechanical resonances, or both. If these are not anticipated and analyzed in the design phase, unexpected failures in the compressor piping system can occur after startup. This paper will provide a overview of what should be considered (both simulations and measurements) and guidelines for construction of small bore piping that is not practical to analyze. The target audience for this paper is process and rotating equipment engineers of all experience levels.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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