(64e) Generation and Reactions of Ortho-Bromophenyllithium without Benzyne Formation Using Microflow System | AIChE

(64e) Generation and Reactions of Ortho-Bromophenyllithium without Benzyne Formation Using Microflow System


Nagaki, III, A. - Presenter, Department of Synthetic Chemistry & Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
Yoshdia, J. - Presenter, Department of Synthetic Chemistry & Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University

Lithiation of 1,2-dibromobenzene to generate ortho-bromophenyllithium is usually carried out at low temperatures, such as -110 oC in order to avoid benzyne formation. The use of a microflow system enables the generation of ortho-bromophenyllithium and its reactions with electrophiles at higher temperatures by virtue of efficient heat transfer and precise residence time control.


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