(84c) The Evolution and Current State of Psm Metrics within DuPont | AIChE

(84c) The Evolution and Current State of Psm Metrics within DuPont


Cummings, D. - Presenter, DuPont Company

A broad, consistent set of PSM metrics and leading indicators is important to effectively manage process safety to prevent incidents, help ensure regulatory compliance, meet internal policies, and verify that adequate management attention and resources are allotted to meet program needs. This paper will review the development, current state and future focus areas associated with the use of process safety metrics and leading indicators within The DuPont Company as a global manufacturing organization at a site, business and corporate level. This includes a historical perspective of past metrics and their technical basis with a primary focus on incident classification and audit results, a review of recent improvements involving an extensive group of current metrics, and a general discussion of forwarding looking additional improvements. An overview of lessons learned, guidance, and challenges involving the development and use of process safety metrics and indicators within a global enterprise will also be provided.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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