(96a) Power Transfer and Inductance in a Star Connected 3-Phase Rc Circuit Amplifier | AIChE

(96a) Power Transfer and Inductance in a Star Connected 3-Phase Rc Circuit Amplifier


Dehra, H. - Presenter, Egis Group
The analysis has been performed for power transfer and inductance in a star connected 3-phase resistance and capacitance (RC) circuit amplifier. An unbalanced 3-phase amplifier constituting a parallel plate photovoltaic (PV) device connected to a potentiometer was constructed for the purpose of analysis. A parallel plate photovoltaic device was installed in a prefabricated outdoor room. A star connected 3-phase parallel plate photovoltaic device was a pair of glass coated PV modules (1st phase, 1st line), air cavity (2nd phase, 2nd line) and polystyrene filled plywood board (3rd phase, 3rd line). The neutral (4th line) of the 3-phase connection was a wooden base of the parallel plate photovoltaic device installed in a pre-fabricated outdoor room. The electrical and thermal properties and measurements were collected to analyse unbalanced power transfer and inductance in a non linear RC circuit amplifier using equivalent transfer functions. The analysis has been conducted on the basis of accepted unified theory for stresses and oscillations. The industrial applications of an innovative photovoltaic amplifier are in defining and designing of electrical noise, electro optics and electro-magnetic energy transducers.


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