(13e) Copper-Based Catalysts, Copper Acetylides, and Safety in Olefins Plants | AIChE

(13e) Copper-Based Catalysts, Copper Acetylides, and Safety in Olefins Plants


Artrip, D. - Presenter, Catalytic Consultants, Inc.

Copper-based catalysts are applied in various ways by both producers and consumers of olefins. Ethylene, propylene, refinery offgases, and various other streams in olefins and polyolefins plants are treated with copper-based catalysts. In many of these applications, acetylene(s) are present; are such plants at risk from the formation of copper acetylides?

In spite of the safe and extensive track record of copper-based catalysts in olefin-treating services, a concern remains in the minds of many that, with copper-based catalysts, if acetylene is present, copper acetylides ALWAYS pose a risk. How true is such a concern? How much a myth?

In this presentation, in order to understand why and where certain types of copper-based catalysts can be used without risk of deflagration from copper acetylides, we will discuss some key factors governing the formation of explosive copper acetylides. In addition, we'll review the more common safety risks posed by copper catalysts in process plants, and how to handle them in a safe manner.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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