(14b) Gas Turbine Generator and Cracking Furnace Integration | AIChE

(14b) Gas Turbine Generator and Cracking Furnace Integration


Barnett, D. J. - Presenter, Shaw Energy & Chemicals Group

This paper includes a review of the benefits of integrating a Gas Turbine Generator with the Cracking Furnaces in an ethylene unit, review of critical design considerations for proper integration, and discussion of associated emissions issues.

Review of benefits will include:

· Effective GTG cycle efficiency

· Impact of integration on Cracking Furnace

o Fuel Firing

o Steam Production

o Thermal Efficiency

· Overall site benefits

Review of critical design considerations will include:

· Full range of GT operations

· Full range of Cracking Furnace operations

· Emergency/upset conditions

· Provisions for maintenance

Discussion of associated emissions issues will include:

· NOx emissions impact of non-integrated and integrated

· CO2 emissions impact of non-integrated and integrated


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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