(24f) NASFM Project on LNG Vapor Dispersion and Source Term Modeling | AIChE

(24f) NASFM Project on LNG Vapor Dispersion and Source Term Modeling


Moore, D. A. - Presenter, AcuTech Group, Inc.

Funded by a grant from US Department of Transportation (DOT), the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) is conducting an independent evaluation of the vapor dispersion and source term Model Evaluation Protocols (MEP) being prepared by the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF). NASFM has engaged the AcuTech Consulting Group to manage the project. NASFM intends to ensure that these important tools are fully shared with local and state emergency response officials who are now or may be facing a proposed LNG facility. The long-term goal of this project is to ensure that there is credible, sustainable evaluation guidance for emergency responders and others to determine which LNG vapor dispersion and source term models are fit for particular purposes.

This project will have several phases:

1. Review of the Model Evaluation Protocol developed by the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF). This task may include suggesting revisions to the tools, identification of missing criteria, and/or suggest alternative assessment tools.

2. Development of a LNG spill and validation database and a source term Model Evaluation Protocol which is integral to creating a long-term tool for emergency responders and others.

3. Evaluation and validation of the FPRF review of LNG source term model ?state of the art? assessment. If and where appropriate, revisions will be suggested to the FPRF review, for both fully integrated and non-integrated models.

4. The report will provide guidance on which evaluated models are suitable for particular scenarios and purposes. NASFM will incorporate these reports into its existing LNG safety program, so that emergency responders receive these tools as part of the broader NASFM pipeline/hazardous materials safety projects.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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