(31b) EN 1473 and Others – the European Norms and Standards for the LNG Industry | AIChE

(31b) EN 1473 and Others – the European Norms and Standards for the LNG Industry


Berger, E. - Presenter, IMPaC Offshore Engineering GmbH

Introduction -

In 1992 LNG experts from 12 countries in Europe initiated the development of modern European Norms (EN) for the growing LNG industry. The target was to provide information on this exciting technology with temperatures as low as -160°C and give guidance to potential users for the save handling of LNG. In the meantime these EN LNG standards have been extended into most of the LNG units of this industry covering the aspects of health, safety and environment. A summary of the existing EN standards will be provided together with some applications.

Conclusions -

Nowadays it is almost unimaginable to implement new LNG installations in many parts of the world without the instructions from these norms, which are permanently extended and updated and reissued every 5 years.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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