(44c) Generating Real-Time Automated Process Monitoring Information from on Line Optimization Models for An Ethylene Unit | AIChE

(44c) Generating Real-Time Automated Process Monitoring Information from on Line Optimization Models for An Ethylene Unit


Taskar, U. - Presenter, Chevron Phillips

High fidelity process models that are used for online optimization are employed to generate real time information related to plant operations and assets. Parameters were identified for each process equipment, and the model and process data calculations generate these parameter results during regular optimization cycle. Extracting these results into Excel based reporting tool is done in an automated fashion. Some Parameters have the capability to be trended to show their variation over time. Economic impact of important process variables is also generated and presented in this report. The easy to use Excel graphical front end makes it very intuitive tool to be used by Process, Production, and Control Engineers and Operators. This tool can be used for identification of opportunities, problem identification and enhanced productivity.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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