(46b) Optimizing Qualitative Hazard Evaluation | AIChE

(46b) Optimizing Qualitative Hazard Evaluation


Bridges, B. - Presenter, Process Improvement Institute

This paper discusses the lessons gleaned from more than 1000 qualitative hazard evaluations completed by author and compatriots over the past 20 years. The learnings were from project risk reviews, management of change (MOC) risk reviews, full until process hazard analyses (PHAs), and PHA revalidations. (All of these evaluations fall within the qualitative category of CCPS's ?Hazard Identifications and Risk Assessments [HIRAs],? required in the Risk-Based Process Safety [RBPS] guide [2007].) The experience covers all chemical and related industry. The paper shares secrets that will speed up your hazard evaluations while Not sacrificing thoroughness. Issues covered include: Should you project your notes during the meetings? Should you use dedicated software? Should you have a dedicated scribe? Should you define the methods and makes sections/nodes ahead of the meetings? What methods should you choose and when? What documentation rules speed up the meeting? What facilitation rules speed up the meetings without crimping brainstorming? What mistakes kill brainstorming and also slow the meetings? Case study data is presented, along with a condense set of rules.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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