(7g) Design Considerations of Domestic Gas Plant for LNG Baseload Plant | AIChE

(7g) Design Considerations of Domestic Gas Plant for LNG Baseload Plant


Kuo, J. C. - Presenter, Chevron Energy Technology Company

For many based load LNG Projects around the world, there is a requirement to install a Domestic Gas (DOMGAS) train for each based load LNG liquefaction train. This is to ensure the domestic energy demands are fulfilled before sending the LNG to other place for sale.

The requirements to design the DOMGAS Plant are to

(1) Meet export pipeline delivery pressures and

(2) Domestic gas specifications, which include acid gas specification., removal of water and heavy hydrocarbons to meet export pipeline moisture and hydrocarbon dewpoint specifications.

The purpose of this paper is:

1.Provide a typical DOMGAS specification

2.List the requirement of a DOMGAS plant design.

3.Options of acid gas removal technologies

4.Options of water dew point control technologies

5.Options of hydrocarbon dew point control technologies

6.Integration aspects between the LNG plant and DOMGAS plant.

7.List the evaluation factors used to select the technologies. This including performance, economics, availability, precedent, number of suppliers, energy efficiency, operability, size, and simplicity.

8.The availabilities comparison between the DOMGAS plant and based load LNG plant. Usually the requirement for DOMGAS is higher


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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