(83a) Procter & Gamble Global Risk Ranking (Webcast Not Available) | AIChE

(83a) Procter & Gamble Global Risk Ranking (Webcast Not Available)


Gurry, F. H. (. - Presenter, The Procter & Gamble Company
Johnson, R. W. - Presenter, The Ohio State University

The Procter & Gamble Company is on its third generation of relative risk ranking models, the first of which was implemented over 20 years ago. The data from these models have been used to improve systems and reduce risks at sites throughout the Company. Both of the earlier models focused on consequences of incidents, and were heavily weighted toward off-site consequences of chemical releases. Over 95% of the high-risk systems in the 1988 model from this type of incident have been eliminated or replaced with safer systems.

More recent incidents involving large property losses but with no direct community impact motivated a scope expansion of the risk ranking effort,which now includes over 500 systems at Company facilities worldwide. This presentation shares general features of the current risk ranking model, describes challenges faced during model development and data collection activities, and shows how business units have made decisions that drive down and eliminate risk.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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