New Frontiers in Packing Technology | AIChE

New Frontiers in Packing Technology


Kister, H. Z., Fluor Corporation


Pritchett, M. D., Consultant

This session of our 6-session Distillation 2009 Topical Conference addresses some of the latest advances in the field, including experiences with some state-of-the art random packings and with tower internals such as distributors that make or break packing performance. Diagnostic techniques that identify causes of poor performance and lead us to better designs are the subject of three presentations. The diagnostics highlighted range from the best and latest in technology, like x-ray and CAT-scan radiography, CFD’s, gamma scans, neutron backscatter, all the way to the time-tested and always robust technique of differential pressure measurement which can be surprisingly tricky at times. Finally, chemical treatment, when properly applied, can stop polymerization, fouling, and corrosion, from hurting good distillation performance as will be discussed with the good practices highlighted.



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