(126c) Objective Analysis of PSM Audit Data | AIChE

(126c) Objective Analysis of PSM Audit Data


Forest, J. - Presenter, Lyondellbasell Industries

In developing systems for Process Safety Management, compliance audits are integral with verification that practices and procedures are developed and are effective for compliance. Data collected during compliance audits is often subjective and findings are descriptive in nature. It is therefore difficult to complete objective analysis of audit data across standards/procedures to surface systemic management system gaps and difficult to compare site performance across a company. Complete analysis of PSM audit data is analogous to incident investigation causal factor assignment, data analysis, and cause elimination.

This presentation describes a database solution that: 1. Provides a data collection method for compliance audits that allows for easy database input reducing overall data handling 2. Structures PSM procedures by management system element so that these elements can be examined across various PSM procedures 3. Groups compliance audit findings by common types for Pareto analysis

The benefits of objective analysis of PSM audit data include more effective future audits and continuous process safety performance improvement at the site level.

The presentation will include a brief review of the Microsoft Access database structure.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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