(137d) Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas (HENG): Generation and Applications in Combined Heat and Power Generation and as a Fuel for High Efficiency Boilers | AIChE

(137d) Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas (HENG): Generation and Applications in Combined Heat and Power Generation and as a Fuel for High Efficiency Boilers


Whidden, T. - Presenter, Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Boutot, T. - Presenter, Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Liu, Z. - Presenter, Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Norton, S. - Presenter, Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Allen, B. - Presenter, Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Bullerwell, J. - Presenter, Atlantic Hydrogen Inc.
Gogolek, P. E. - Presenter, Natural Resources Canada,

We describe a pre-commercial process for the in line production of hydrogen, hydrogen enriched natural gas (HENG) and solid, nanoscale carbon from a natural gas feedstock that avoids concomitant generation of CO2. The process is pre-commercial scale (25-50 Nm3/hr) and exhibits acceptable energy efficiencies (2-3 kW-hr/Nm3 H2) and reliable long-term performance. In this report we review the long term operational characteristics of the HENG pilot plant (the ?CarbonSaver??) and describe the combustion characteristics of HENG as a fuel in real-world applications. HENG is used as the fuel for a 75 kW Tecogen combined heat and power (CHP) generator which is employed in a net metering environment, providing electricity and heat to our facility. Performance characteristics and emissions profiles of the internal combustion engine in the CHP unit are described when using both HENG and natural gas fuels. Similarly, the performance and emissions characteristics of a New York Thermal residential heating boiler and of a high efficiency, low NOx regenerative burner are described and contrasted for natural gas vs. HENG fuels.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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