(39g) Marine Boil off Gas Recovery Improvement by Performing Slow Loading at Bontang LNG Terminal | AIChE

(39g) Marine Boil off Gas Recovery Improvement by Performing Slow Loading at Bontang LNG Terminal


Indriawan, J. A. - Presenter, PT Badak NGL Plant Site


During LNG loading operation at Bontang LNG Terminal, the LNG vapor called Marine Boil Off Gas (MBOG) is always generated. Ideally, this vapor should be recovered to shore as an additional fuel gas supply or to be re-Liquefied. Nevertheless, due to some constraints, only around 23-37% of the total generated MBOG during LNG loading can be recovered while the remaining is flared.


By performing loading at lower rate, it is expected that the MBOG generation rate will be decreased proportionally, hence reduce the flaring rate. A series of slow loading tests confirmed that the recovery rate increases to 48-69% of total generated MBOG. It will potentially save around 0.15 std. cargoes of LNG per year or equivalent with USD 2.8 million per year

References Cited 1. Rustandi, Hendi Y, 2007, ?Feasibility Study of Marine Boil off Gas Recovery Improvement?, PT Badak NGL. 2. Crane Engineering Department, 1988, ?Flow of Fluid through Valves, Fittings, and Pipes?, Crane.