(41g) Physical-Chemical Model of the Los Humeros Geothermal Reservoir, México | AIChE

(41g) Physical-Chemical Model of the Los Humeros Geothermal Reservoir, México


Martínez Reyes, J. - Presenter, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
González Partida, E. - Presenter, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
Perez, R. J. - Presenter, University of Calgary

The Los Humeros geothermal field is located on the eastern side of central Mexico approximately 25 km NW of Perote city in the State of Puebla.

In the present work departing of updated information of chemical composition of the download fluids of a wells section (H-012, H-015, H-016, H-017, H-019, H-039) of the Los Humeros geothermal reservoir, Puebla, México, provided by the C.F.E. (2007), we elaborated the anions, cations and gases graphics proposed by Giggenbach (1988) like that like Giggenbach and Goguel, (1989), identifying that in the reservoir exist two types of fluids (or two reservoirs): meteoric waters and fluids of magmatic origin, which have not reached the geochemical equilibrium with the minerals of the reservoir, but they are in process of reaching it, situation that corresponds to a geothermal reservoir of recent origin.

In a similar way departing of updated information of enthalpies of the download fluids of the same wells section of the Los Humeros geothermal field, equally provided by the C.F.E. (2007), we identified that the Los Humeros geothermal reservoir is of vapor dominated thermodynamic state. This thermodynamic condition is compatible with the temperature profile of the reservoir, as observed in the average homogenization temperatures determined from the fluid inclusions study (in the deepest zone Th = 337 °C) and in the stabilized temperatures from wells (in the deepest zone Ts=300°C).


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