(57b) ICSS Systems Offer Advances in Fired Heater Operations, Safety and Regulatory Compliance | AIChE

(57b) ICSS Systems Offer Advances in Fired Heater Operations, Safety and Regulatory Compliance


Miller, C. - Presenter, Emerson Process Management

Can the instrumentation, control, and protective systems for fired heaters as defined by the prescriptive API recommended standard 556 be reconciled with IEC 61511 / ANSI/ISA 84 by implementing an Integrated Control and Safety System? What cost savings can be identified and measured from both the CAPEX and OPEX viewpoint when applying advanced technology to these competing standards?

If traditional approaches to compliance with process safety standards are driving costs up and yielding diminishing returns, will the integrated approach of next generation control architectures provide the expected cost savings while enabling the unit to be started-up, operated, and shut down safely?

This study will review the Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS) and define the advantages of integrating scalable redundancy, automated compliance and on-line diagnostic testing to drive both CAPEX and OPEX cost savings in industrial flame management applications.

It will also demonstrate how the ICSS systems unique architectural framework provides cost savings through transparent communications between control schemes, safety systems, historical archiving, environmental reporting, and other subsystems required for the users to maintain, inspect, test and cost effectively operate the system in compliance with industry standards.


With compliance as the focus, presentation will develop a solid review and comparison of the available options for furnace control and provide real world examples of the advantages and cost savings provided by Integrated Control and Safety System technologies.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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