(57e) Predictive and Real-Time Heat Flux Monitoring for Burners in Ethylene Furnaces | AIChE

(57e) Predictive and Real-Time Heat Flux Monitoring for Burners in Ethylene Furnaces


Colannino, J. - Presenter, John Zink Co. LLC

Heat flux in ethylene furnaces is a complex function of three main factor types: burner-related factors such as burner type and location; operating factors such as fuel composition and bridgewall temperature; and, furnace-related factors such as height and width. Theoretical heat-flux relations were developed for floor-fired and floor+wall fired configurations. The analysis identified several parameters, some of which could be determined a priori; those remaining were fit a posteriori using a large data set (five furnaces, five burner types, and nearly 1000 heat flux measurements) in order to construct a semi-empirical model. The mathematical model was then coded into a design tool and validated with additional data. Based on the theory, a real-time heat flux measurement profile tool was developed and is in use at John Zink Co.'s test facility. This paper discusses the general development effort.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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