(85a) Setting Robust Process Specifications Using Design of Experiments and Monte CarloTechniques | AIChE

(85a) Setting Robust Process Specifications Using Design of Experiments and Monte CarloTechniques


Kappele, W. D. - Presenter, Objective Design of Experiments

Setting specifications on process parameters can be a difficult job. Setting robust specifications that won't need constant adjustment may seem almost impossible. This presentation will show how a combination of Design of Experiments and Monte Carlo techniques can be used to set robust process specifications in a straightforward, objective manner. You will see an example using published data for a rubber manufacturing process. You will see the stages from designing an experiment for optimizing the process specifications through the use of a Monte Carlo simulator to study the responses to specification changes. You will see these results used to optimize the process specifications. You won't need to delve into the math -- the software JMP will handle that. You will leave this presentation with a new paradigm for setting robust process parameter specifications.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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