Case Histories of Risk Assessment and Problem Solving | AIChE

Case Histories of Risk Assessment and Problem Solving


Shah, J., Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc.


“For all those who think that knowing is better than not knowing” L. Lauden Quantitative Risk Assessments often prove to be the tool of last resort to help help bring clarity and objectivity to complex risk issues needed to make informed decisions. Risk Assessments are used to compare against criteria (internal or governmental) to determine if risks are tolerable, are used to evaluate potential risk reduction options to help determine the amount of risk reduction benefit that can be derived, and are used to help set budget priorities. Papers submitted to this session will focus on how risk assessment is used to help decision makers make informed decisions. Papers should include specific case studies illustrating the use of risk assessment techniques and application experience within a given organization to evaluate and manage their risk exposure. Emphasis should be on how results have been taken from a risk study and translated into practical solutions.



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