(102c) Investigation of Foam In Distillation and Absorption Columns | AIChE

(102c) Investigation of Foam In Distillation and Absorption Columns


Wozny, G. - Presenter, Berlin Institute of Technology
Senger, G. - Presenter, Technical University Berlin

of foam in distillation and absorption columns

Foam in
process engineering can cause severe problems in distillation and absorption
towers which may result in pressure loss, therefore reduced capacity, reduced
separation efficiency, contaminated products in affiliated processes through
foam transfer and to a change in reaction behavior by disadvantageous retention times [1]. Those observations were verified in preliminary
works at the department of Process Dynamic and Operation of Technical
University Berlin [2-4].

The effects
lead to economic inefficiency and - due to a higher energy demand - environmental
pollution. Highly affected by foam are processes as crude oil, alcohol and biodiesel
distillation, (sour) gas scrubbing and CO2-absorption. In a field
study of 31 malfunctions in distillation towers, foaming ranges with 51 of more
than 900 cases on 11th place [1].

Presently, foaming behavior cannot be described analytically or
thermodynamically based on physical properties (density, viscosity, etc.) and therefore,
hydrodynamic models cannot consider foaming in respect of process dimensioning.

In food and detergent
industry, the Bikerman-index is known for decades as an indicator for foaming
tendency and stability of mixtures of materials. As a result of the complex
hydrodynamics and geometries in distillation towers, the shear forces induced
by the tower internals lead to massive foam destruction and generation rates. Therefore,
this index is not reliable transferable to distillation towers. Besides, the
existing foam stability test methods are bound to ambient conditions.

Since there
are no prediction possibilities for foaming in distillation towers available,
the industrial solutions to face this problem are on the one hand oversized
dimensioning, or on the other hand the search and application of chemical foam
inhibitors, which might contaminate the product or pollute the environment. Packed
towers are considered more advantageous under foaming conditions [2], [5] compared to tray columns.

Beside the
works at the department [2-4] and one specialized examination [6], there haven't been any scientific methodical
investigations on the hydrodynamics of foaming in distillation towers,
especially packed towers.

The main
problem of actual fundamental investigations is the uncertain upscale ability to
distillation towers, since physical properties as well as geometrical (internals)
and process related parameters (hydrodynamics, loads, temperature, etc.) are
highly influencing factors. As known from the food industry, more or less
complex foam stability testing devices for ?static? foams were developed [7].

Therefore, the
development of a foam test cell adapted to distillation towers, which considers
the internal geometries / shear forces, could help dealing those problems. The
new adapted test cell is capable of generating foam out of a liquid sample by
aeration and/or adjustable sprinkling (Figure 1). It has a wide operation range
of up to 200°C and vacuum conditions. The insertion of packing elements into the
80 mm diameter test cell should provide information about their respective
behavior to foam.

For the reason of transferability, a
pilot plant with a glass column of 300 mm diameter and 2,000 mm packing height
was built. 7 commercial packings (random and structured) are compared according
to their respective sensitivity to foaming with several foaming material
systems. The operation experiences should provide hints concerning advantageous
packing parameters and are used for the upscale of an adapted foam test cell.
Until now, the hydrodynamics of 2 mass-% Butanol-water / air was examined with
all packings (Figure 2).

on a ?classic? test cell according to Bikerman and on the adapted test cell
were carried out. At the example of (pure) MDEA-water solution (CO2 absorption)
it has been found, that a foam tendency assessment by glass frit aeration
(Bikerman test cell) is not significant enough for an adequate transferability to
packed towers. Although MDEA-water solution was foaming in the aerated Bikerman
test cell, a problem-free pilot plant operation was possible.

In the adapted test cell, foam
generation by sprinkling showed a better transferability to packed towers. It
appears that an assessment by sprinkling in terms of packed columns is
significant and will be reviewed in more detail.

In the lecture details of the new
test facility and about investigations of different column internals and fluids
will be given.

Figure 1:
Adapted test cell Ø 80 mm with adjustable sprinkling


Figure 2: Foaming
in a structured packing Montz B1-350M, Ø 300 mm, packing height 2,000 mm;

L = 50 m³/m²h, F-factor 0.5 Pa0.5, 2 mass-% butanol-water / air


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