(114b) Advanced Hydrogen Management : More Than a Balancing Act | AIChE

(114b) Advanced Hydrogen Management : More Than a Balancing Act


Pagano, M. - Presenter, Technip Italy
Ratan, S. - Presenter, Technip Stone & Webster Process Technology

Modern high complexity refining landscape involves increasing proportion of “opportunity crude” processing and widened bottom-of-the-barrel strategies, which together with ever stringent ‘clean fuels’ requirements has led to extensive need for hydrogen and its optimization in the refinery. This in turn has provided growing impetus for establishing innovative schemes and effective options for smart management of hydrogen and optimizing the refinery hydrogen network.  

Though hydrogen management has been practiced in refineries for several years, the modern-day needs require more advanced techniques and creative solutions along with know-how and engineering expertise for meeting the objectives of optimized hydrogen analysis for overall refinery economics, efficiency and environment. 

The paper would provide an insight into advanced hydrogen management along with a case-history.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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