(20e) Adapting the Naphtha Complex to a Changing Environment | AIChE

(20e) Adapting the Naphtha Complex to a Changing Environment

Despite all the attention be paid to distillate and heavy oil processing, the naphtha complex is still the heart of the refinery. And the issues facing the naphtha complex have never been greater. Addition of high octane biofuels to gasoline as well as tighter benzene and aromatics gasoline specifications are changing the demands on the naphtha processing units. With the growth rate of petrochemicals continuing to outstrip fuels growth, this alternative disposition of naphtha is increasingly important. Continuing price pressures as well as CO2 emission limits push for energy efficient operations. Hydrogen demand for increased desulphurization may also drive naphtha processing. This environment makes it increasingly difficult and increasingly important to optimize naphtha processing units. This talk will discuss how a naphtha complex study can benefit a refinery, how a study should be conducted, and provide examples of successful studies.

The speaker will cover the sources of value to be found in a naphtha study. The typical progression of a rigorous study, from issue identification through implementation will be outlined. Sample studies will be presented, including a benzene reduction study and an integrated refinery/petrochemical plant optimization study. These examples will clearly illustrate the benefits a naphtha complex study can have on issues ranging from feed selection through fuels and aromatics production.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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