(38e) Investigative Process Uncovers Cause of Surface Tearing In Cold Box Aluminum Alloy Pipe Components | AIChE

(38e) Investigative Process Uncovers Cause of Surface Tearing In Cold Box Aluminum Alloy Pipe Components


Thiele, C. - Presenter, Chart Energy & Chemicals Inc.
Valerioti, B. - Presenter, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company, LLC

Abstract: This paper describes the investigative tools and techniques, learning’s, and logistical challenges faced by an international team assembled to uncover the source of surface tears in newly manufactured 6061 aluminum alloy pipe elbows.   The cold box, with its complex piping layout, and a tight project construction schedule required a thoughtful and effective strategy for non-destructive testing (NDT), component review and sampling, and mechanical- and metallurgical testing of similarly-manufactured replicate pipe elbows.  Good cooperation between the end user operator, engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) company, subject matter experts, and cold box and pipe elbow manufacturer culminated in a successful outcome and repair. 



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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